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Access our funding search engine powered by Fundica and identify the best funding programs for your business today.
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About fundica
A search engine that uses artificial intelligence to generate a personalized list of funding opportunities in less than 30 seconds.
No associated costs
Account creation is free for all for-profit companies, regardless of sector or size.
Customized results
Fundica identifies the funding programs best suited for your needs. Their filtering system allows you to sort the results using 39 search criteria according to your business activities.
Access all municipal, provincial, and federal funding opportunities in Canada and the United States.
Up-to-date data
Fundica updates its data in real time, thanks to a system of indexing and evolving algorithms, updates from investors, AI robots and its team of experts.
Types of financing
Non-repayable financial contributions. Grants support specific objectives and are generally paid before or during the investment period.
Tax credits
Government returns and potential reductions in tax liability, attached to certain types of investment. They are usually paid once the expenditure has been incurred.
Repayable financial contributions, usually with more favorable terms and conditions when provided by the government. These loans are usually disbursed before the investment period.
Loan guarantees
A type of financial support where the government guarantees a loan by undertaking to repay, in part or in full, the amounts granted to the company in the event of default by the contractor. Loan guarantees are provided before a loan is granted.
Investments by the private sector to obtain a share in a business or receive the long-term profits of a company. This includes the direct purchase of shares but can also include a more complex variety of investments. The purchase of shares can occur at any time during the investment period.
Incubators and Accelerators
Business support organizations offering structured programs comprising one or more of the following elements: coaching or mentoring services, training, networking and professional support.
Frequently asked questions
How do I create an account?
Simply enter your company profile data and choose a password to gain free access to the government funding programs most relevant to you.
What types of companies can use the search tool?
Any for-profit company registered or incorporated in Canada (or planning to do so), regardless of size or sector of activity.
How does the search tool filter searches?

The company profile you create when you open your account initially allows you to filter programs according to criteria such as your location, industry, and revenue.

You can then refine your search using secondary filters by clicking on the icon in the top right-hand corner of the results page.

How does Fundica keep its data up to date?
Fundica uses semi-automated search systems based on powerful indexing robots, scalable algorithms, and a team of experienced analysts.